TCS Commemorative Blue Plaques

46 Fore Street Copyright - K. J. Hartley

46 Fore Street
Early eighteenth-century house,
home of John Watts,
a retired Portugal merchant,
died 1741,
who has a memorial
in the Parish Church.

The George Hotel
Stood on this site.  A tavern was
here in 1349 and called The
George by 1467.  It was one of
the principal hotels until it
closed in 1981.
Facade 1860.

George Hotel Copyright - K. J. Hartley
64 Fore Street Copyright - K. J. Hartley

64 Fore Street
Built for Thomas Cooper,
clothier c1700.
Wiltshire and Dorset Bank 1866.
Lloyds Bank 1914.

66/7 Fore Street
A late-Tudor timber-framed house refronted c.1700.
Mary Langford,
great-grandmother of
Queen Mary II and Queen Ann,
born here 1597.

George Hotel Copyright - K. J. Hartley
64 Fore Street Copyright - K. J. Hartley

31 Union Street
minister of the Zion Baptist Chapel
and author of
The Mercies of a Covenant God
Lived here 1832-1850.

Trowbridge Barracks
Demolished in 1961.
One of two remaining sections of the Trowbridge Barracks wall, this was part of the eastern wall of the barracks.

Barracks Wall plaque Copyright - K. J. Hartley
Highfield plaque Copyright - K. J. Hartley

Sir William Roger Brown JP
1831 - 1902
Clothier and benefactor lived here. He gave Trowbridge its Town Hall and the Lady Brown's Cottage Homes Almhouses.