Latest Planning Applications
Kevin and Sue Eames, and David Feather monitor the planning applications on behalf of the Society. If you wish to copy Kevin and Sue on any responses you send in, or would like to feed your comments back via them, they can be reached via email at
Alternatively, you can click here fill out our planning comments form and send your comments to Kevin and Susan.
Click here for the planning archive
June 2018
Comments invited until: Friday 6th July, 201 | ||
18/05278/LBC | Courtfield House Polebarn Road Trowbridge BA14 7EG | Conversion of former school principal building to 5 No. dwellings, and associated external works; the erection of 16 No. dwellings; conversion and alteration of the Wool Store Building to form a communal garage/store and vehicular access; and comprehensive landscaping. |
Application registered: Thursday 17 May, 2018. Case Officer Matthew Perks |
December 2017
Consultation end date: Monday 8 January, 2018 | ||
17/11189/FUL | Land Adjacent 20 Springfield Park Trowbridge Wilts BA14 7HT | Change of use from amenity land to domestic land within the curtilage of No. 20 Springfield Park. |
Trowbridge Civic Society objects to this application. First, it goes against the principles for Place Shaping set out in Wiltshire Core Strategy 57. Although the application does not refer to a newly-developed estate, we are of the opinion that the principles of design for place shaping should still apply, and the proposed change of use would adversely affect the distinctive sense of place which has been created here. Moreover, it would hardly 'promote community cohesiveness' (6.129) as by removing an amenity it would adversely affect the situation and outlook which, at present, enhance the pleasantness of the estate, and thus contribute to the pleasure and enjoyment of the occupants. In addition, both the Core Strategy and the NPPF specifically mention the importance of amenity. The NPPF states that developments should 'seek to secure … a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings' (17). The Core Strategy, likewise, states that proposed developments should consider the 'impact on the amenities of existing occupants, and ensur(e) that appropriate levels of amenity are achievable within the development itself' (p. 286). This proposal, then, undermines the principles established by the Core Strategy and the NPPF and will harm the character and appearance of the area. Second, we object to this application because, were it to be approved, it would set a precedent for further transfers of public realm amenities to private ownership, in contrast to the guidance of the NPPF (17). Also, if the curtilage of No. 20 were to be extended beyond its present limit to the hedge that attempts an enclosure, there may be applications in the future for developments which would radically harm the character and appearance of the area. A dangerous precedent to set. For the reasons above, the Trowbridge Civic Society objects strongly to this application, which should be rejected. The enclosing hedge (planted apparently without permission) should be removed and the amenity restored to its former state. |